• Press release writer and editor (2019 - present)

    Juliette has previously worked with artist Delphine Lebourgeois, writing and editing press releases that aim to offer background information on new series of works, and capture important themes and symbols of the visual in written form. The press release of Witches (2020) can be found here.

  • Editor and writer, KCL Strand Magazine (2019-2021)

    During her time at King’s College London, Juliette wrote articles for the Film and Television section of the university’s award-winning Strand Magazine before becoming one of its editors in 2020. While continuing to write her own reviews, she edited and uploaded contributors’ articles, organised monthly ‘series’ based on relevant topics (such as ‘Back to School’), and liaised with PR to arrange interview logistics between contributors and creatives, particularly during festivals (BFI LFF 2020). Her articles and reviews can be found on the Publications page and here.

  • Editor, Ta Voix (2020)

    Ta Voix is an online platform that encourages budding writers to showcase their work and budding editors to develop their skills. Juliette worked as an editor, offering constructive feedback on short stories and poems that later formed an anthology.

  • Independent reader/intern, Simone Garzella Literary Scouting Agency (2020-2021)

    For a four month period, Juliette read and provided short commentaries on manuscripts and proposals (non-fiction and fiction, English and French) on the basis of quality/originality/style.